
The importance of a NIE number

1st March 2023
The importance of a NIE number - SolenCasa

NIE number for non-residents

The NIE number is an identification number used in Spain to identify and register non-residents for various activities, including the purchase of real estate. NIE stands for “Número de Identificación de Extranjero” (Identification Number for Foreigners).

Why a NIE?

The NIE number is mandatory for anyone buying property in Spain, but it is also used for other transactions such as opening a bank account, taking out insurance, paying taxes, starting a business, etc.

The NIE number is a unique identification number assigned by the Spanish authorities. The number is usually issued by the local police station (Comisaría de Policía) or the Bureau of Foreigners (Oficina de Extranjería). To obtain a NIE number, you must complete and submit a form, along with a valid passport and proof of why you need the NIE number. Depending on the region and the specific circumstances, obtaining a NIE number can take several days to several weeks.

The NIE number is important because it allows you to identify yourself and participate in various activities in Spain. For example, without a NIE number you cannot open a bank account or buy real estate. The NIE number is also needed to pay taxes and receive social security if you work in Spain.

Apply for a NIE number in time.

If you are planning to buy property in Spain it is important to make sure you have a NIE number before you start looking for a property. Obtaining a NIE number can take some time, so it's best to get this done as soon as possible. Once you have a NIE number you can start the process of buying property in Spain.